Life cycle of the Frog

Nothing beats watching your kids learn about something by direct observation.

The wonder in their faces as they see a process unfold, and “catch on’ to principles that you have talked about, is worth the time it takes to think about how to fashion the lesson! On this vein, to teach your children about frogs and their life cycle, why not let them actually watch a tadpole, or two, grow up? To do this, obtain some tadpoles – either in a pet shop or local pond or creek – and set up a tadpole aquarium. This is not hard to do and pet shop personnel are often quite helpful with tips and advice. And, as your child watches the little critters go from their early stages to adulthood, you can help him/her to understand what is happening by filling in some essential details Frogs are amphibians. This means they are cold-blooded vertebrates - vertebrates have a backbone - have no scales and generally breed in water.

What is the lifecycle of the frog?

Frog life cycle

Stage 1: Frogspawn. What are frogspawn?

Frogspawn are a mass of frog eggs. They are laid in still waters where there are no strong currents to threaten their survival. To further ensure that individual eggs are not damaged, each female frog will lay a huge number of eggs in one session. She lays each egg on its own but the resulting batch of eggs will lie in the water in a big clump called spawn. frogspawn Even with all these safety precautions in place, the existence of a frog egg is quite precarious and few will survive to become tadpoles.

Stage 2: Tadpoles. What are tadpoles?

Tadpoles are the fish-like, infant stage of frogs. About 6-21 days after the eggs are laid and fertilized, the tadpoles will be hatched out to live in the water. A new tadpole will eat the remainder of the yolk of the egg that it came from and then proceed to try to survive to adulthood - not an easy feat! tadpole Young tadpoles have a mouth, poorly formed gills and a tail. They will try to stick themselves onto a water plant for protection until they become strong enough to swim away and look for algae to feed on. tadpole

Stage 3: How does a tadpole turn into a frog?

Change 1: After about four weeks, the tadpole’s gills will be covered over with skin and breathing will begin to take place through the lungs. At 6-9 weeks, tiny legs will sprout on the tadpole, first in the back and then in the front. tadpole As this happens, a head will be easier to discern and the body will get longer. Change 2: By about 12 weeks, the next step in frog development - loss of the tadpole’s tail - will be almost complete. (Interestingly, the tadpole will stop eating plants at this point - for nutrition, it reabsorbs its tail and that’s why the tail disappears!). tadpole The last step, seen at about 12-16 weeks, will be the conversion of our new frog from vegan eating habits to full-blown meat-eater is complete.

How do frogs breathe?

Frogs have very special skin. Aside from keeping its insides together, the skin of a frog is used for taking in water and for breathing. Frogs do not drink the way we do - that is, they do not swallow water. Instead, they absorb it through their skin. This not only keeps them properly hydrated, but is also a way to transport oxygen into their bodies. frog A frog needs to make sure it stays nice and moist! If water is not available - either as an in-ground source or through dew - frogs will bury themselves in moist dirt. As well, frogs can produce a mucous over their skin to keep themselves moist and, thus, prevent suffocation. A frog sheds its skin at regular intervals - with some species of frogs, this may occur once a day - to maintain an outer layer of healthy, functioning skin.

What kind of feet do frogs have?

Different types of frogs have feet which are suited to their habitats and lifestyles. Tree frogs have sucker-like, sticky disks on their feet to help them climb. Other types of frogs have webbed feet which can help them either to swim or to make them buoyant enough to fly. webfoot1 Some frogs have claw-like feet which are meant to help them dig. The hind legs of a frog are very strong and can help them to jump as far as twenty times their own length.

How do frogs eat?

Frogs have long, sticky tongues that SNAP out, catch the prey and, then, roll back into their mouth. frog Frogs actually have teeth. These are tiny and cone-shaped and their function is to hold the prey in place until it is swallowed. A frog’s teeth can be found in a row at the front of the upper jaw - maxillary teeth - and on the roof of the mouth - vomerine teeth. Finally, if you’ve ever watched a frog swallow, you will have noted that its bulging eyes close and sink down into its head - these big eyeballs actually push the food from the frog’s mouth down into its throat. frog

Interesting Fact:

  • The average life span of a frog is 4-15 years. So, stock up on those bugs!

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